Monday, February 28, 2011

Cold Weekend.

It was way to cold out on friday night, i tried to ride my longboard home that night from my friends house, almost froze my toes off. I mostly slept on saturday and cleaned my longboard. On sunday I went to the gym with my buddy Joel and then I studied for my english test thats coming up.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Info Tech 10

Longboarding !

I cannot wait till all the snow melts and the streets are cleaned so I can go longboarding with my buddies. I have been longboarding for about a year now and its one of the funnest things I have ever done in my life, theres nothing better than bombing a hill at 60 kmh.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I dont have any plans for the weekend, Im porbably going quading tomorow and sunday. I'll probably hang out with some friends too and go longboarding.

Monday, February 7, 2011

What a weekend

My weekend was allright, I didnt do much. I was working on saturday. Went longboarding later and hung out with some friends. On sunday I worked on my ATV for a while and went biking.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday morning.

I got up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, and then ran to the bus stop.